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WE support Christian Aid...
Click HERE to go to our online Christian Aid Envelope, if you would like to donate via St John's
Public Worship at St. Johns
The church building is often open for private prayer, visitors, etc. There's a sign outside when we are!
Our Sunday Parish Mass takes place at 10:30 a.m, keeping in mind the particular needs of our church congregation. It is also being recorded and available to watch online. We make it available on our Broadcast pageby about lunchtime on Sundays, all being well.
There's a shorter, said Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass held at the High Altar in church
Midweek Mass is celebrated on Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Online Giving
We are always incredibly grateful for the financial support we receive from our regular givers.
Now anyone can support our ministry through online donations, and in person through our contactless giving facility in St John’s.
Find out more on our donations page HERE
Updates by email
We have an email distribution system which enables Fr. David to disseminate news, information and thoughts.
If you would welcome such communications please contact him by email. His email address is HERE
(To help Fr. David please put "e-news" as your subject line)
Keeping St Johns a safer place for all
You may be aware that we now have improved security lighting around the church hall and introduced CCTV around the church. Along with regular patrols from the Police Community Support Officers this has reduced the amount of drug related activity in the church grounds. Thanks to the superb work of the gardening team the gardens are now a lovely space for the local community to enjoy. There is CCTV inside the church too which is not active during worship but does mean we can open the church during the day for anyone to come in and find peace, pray or perhaps light a candle. St Johns has received a grant from Safer Hastings Partnership JAG to enable us to install these security systems.
You are warmly invited to join us for our
online Sunday Mass
You'll find it on our Broadcast Channel HEREusually by Sunday lunchtime.
You'll also find a downloadable Order of Service so that you can follow the service and join in if you wish
Choral Worship from Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral offer choral worship online.
Every day you can join them for traditional Choral Evensong.
It streams live at 5.30 pm, but you can catch up at any time.
Watch it on the Canterbury Cathedral website HERE
Prayer is always important, but even more so if you are still having to self-isolate
For some ideas that you mght find helpful visit our Prayer Page HERE
Our gardening Team have been busy
See some pictures of their hard work in our photo album HERE
Thanks to Mary and Sharon for the photos
When you can't attend a funeral
If you find yourself in this position you might welcome a short reflection with prayers to help you to be there in spirit
You can find a printable leaflet HERE
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