


Our traditional form of Sunday Mass

Welcome to St John’s traditional form of 10.30 Sunday morning service, which is known as  “Mass”, or “Holy Communion”.



 The music in our service is led by our organist and choir.


The ProcessionProcession approaches the altar

During the first hymn, the choir and minsters process round the church. The procession is led by a crucifer, who carries the cross, and a thurifer, who carries the incense.

Incense is used throughout the service and is a strong part of the church’s tradition; it symbolises prayer, and conveys a sense of the mystery of God.


Bible readings

Readings from the Bible are an important part of our service. Usually a passage from the Old and New Testaments, and then a reading from one of the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.

There is a sermon straight after the gospel.  A sermon is a talk, usually based on the readings we have just heard.


Lay person leads prayersPrayers for the needs of the world, and for our own needs, are usually led by a member of the congregation


The CommunionDeacon prepares altar table for Holy Communion

The altar table is prepared for Communion. 

In the Communion we recall how Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples on the night before he died. We call that event the Last Supper.

Jesus promised that when we do this he would be with us, so in a sense we are not just remembering that event - we are also re-living it.


The Consecration

Priest prays the prayer of consecration at the altarThe Priest prays a special prayer asking God to consecrate the bread and wine (make it sacred) to be shared by the people.


SharingMembers of congregation receive Holy Communion

Members of the congregation come forward to receive the consecrated bread, or a special blessing from the priest. We are also offered the cup of consecrated wine, representing the Blood of Christ, if we wish to receive it, though it is perfectly valid to just receive the bread.

If there are any who cannot get to the front, perhaps because they are elderly or infirm, a priest and deacon take the bread to them. 

Choir leads procession to back of church


In the final hymn the choir and ministers process to the back of the church.

Coffee being served after the service


Sharing refreshments and a chat afterwards is an important part of the service.



People chatting after the service


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